spiritual awakening

Eye Of Horus

Eye Of Horus

Dear Ones

This is a calling for humanity to awaken. To live in truth. To honor all beings and set yourself free from mass illusions.

Accepting this invitation to open your heart and raise your vibration with grace will help you remember your true holy essence.

As the Earth’s vibration elevates, higher truths are revealed and all projected illusions will lose their power.

There are a lot of fear based stories and conspiracies circulating. We advise you to deter from that and bring the focus inward.

Many BEings are simply playing out old outdated roles. These will fall away and justice and love will circulate! Please trust.

The best thing you can do at this time is spread love and positivity. The negative gossip and conspiracy theories are infectious.

When you detach from this and focus on the inner work and love, you contribute to the transmutation of negativity on this planet.

This is the greatest contribution. Your thoughts, words and actions are contributing to the WHOLE. Choose to invest your energy to the greater good.

Focus on positive outcomes and the life you want to live. Be strong in your mindset and power. The more you fear your freedom being taking away, the more you give your power away and imprison yourself.

Resistance to choosing higher thoughts will cause the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies to be out of alignment. This will manifest ailments that effect your well being. The body will give you a wake up call with symptoms to start making changes. Listen!

Look at these global changes as an invitation for humanity to learn how to generate peace within.

The higher truth is when you learn how to generate peace, love and acceptance within. The external circumstances will not have power over you. They will only present new opportunities and choices.

The more you choose love, compassion, and heart expansions, the higher you will go! You will operate from a place of sacred neutrality.

This is the creation state we want to be in.

As we adapt and acclimate to the changes in a neutral state of being new supportive methods and systems will be birthed for humanity.

As you learn to minimize reactivity and stay neutral, you will embody higher levels of peace and awaken a deeper state of CLARITY.

This Clarity will be a great asset in choosing higher life paths and making choices that support the greater good.

It is important to note that ALL humans have the gift of “all seeing“ divine insight. It just needs to be activated (awakened).

This is what is happening globally. We are awakening to higher truths.

The Eye Of Horus Is a sacred symbol that symbolizes protection, health, restoration and initiation to the higher truths.

You may attune and activate with this ancient symbol. Meditate and Visualize the eye awakening within the palms of your hands, mouth and third eye. As you do this you will receive a higher level of discernment and your Clair senses will activate and sharpen.

You will only receive by cosmic law what you are ready for.

This will help the body, mind and soul be free of the past and illusionary beliefs that have imprinted on you for lifetimes.

As you continue to raise your vibration and embody your divinity, all will flow harmoniously.

The greatest contribution you can give at this time is being the change you wish to see in the world.

Choose love over fear!



( message channeled from Elohim)

Light Language

Light Language is Universal Language, some may even refer to it as the Language of Love or the Divine Gift of Tongues. It is the streaming of consciousness through the heart. The sacred gateway within all Beings.

Allowing Light language to stream forth is easier than you think. It’s actually very liberating and a beautiful way to express and heal ourselves.

With our native languages we tend get hung up on a lot of details, based on definitions. We make sure we are choosing the right words to express ourselves. Question the interpretation of our vocal tone and if we are articulating properly, not to mention correct annunciation.

Well this isn’t the case with Light language. It is 100 % heart based, bypassing the analytical mind. You are not choosing and attached to definitions and meanings. You are simply flowing with a higher power. This generates harmony, healing and more light within.

What is beautiful about this form of vibrational Sound healing is it allows your divine guidance system to transcribe the messages directly into your cellular network. Once again, the mind is bypassed so there is no doubt and contemplation of ego vs. intuition & higher self.

The cells instantly begin working for your highest good to make a supportive harmonious vibrational shift. This is why you here sound & light language therapy associated with DNA activations. It is all vibrational.

This Genius innate Vibrational power is used to balance, activate, clear and harmonize our physical, emotional, etheric, mental and spiritual bodies.

Light Language is a catalyst to the Awakening, the remembrance of our true Divine nature. It activates the God-like DNA templates.within.

This allows you to tap into gifts and higher-aspects of yourself that are dormant.

As this Love Language rewrites your genetic structure, it activates your DNA to function at a higher potential. Assisting in transmutation of old patterns, clearing of stagnant energy and elevating you to a higher state of consciousness.

All you have to do is let it flow or be open to receive a transmission from a Light Language Practitioner.

Remember, we create a harmonic dance vibrationally throughout our inner-landscape when we release judgement and surrender to a higher power.

~Benefits of Receiving a Transmission~:

•DNA Activations

•Energetic Recalibrations

•Cellular Clearing

•Release Stagnant Energy & fear based programs

•Generates balance and harmony

•Heightens Awareness

•Connect to Higher-Self

•Heal Multi-Dimensional Aspects

•Expand Heart Energy

•Awaken and Enhance Sacred Gifts

•Generate Remembrance Of Divine Soul Blueprint

In August, manifestation is amplified. Allow these Divine Light Codes to bless your being & Support your creations and hearts desires! Live in your Divine gi...