Let Go Of Control & Surrender

Today's Message & Affirmations: Topic: Surrender and Let Go of control & the need to know.

Hello Dear Ones,

Before you soak in today's message & Affirmations, I invite you to practice the surrender breath. We all could use more time to pause and consciously breathe 😇.

Simply close your eyes and take a deep nourishing breath. Exhale out the mouth silently stating "I Surrender". With every cycle of these breaths, feel your body getting lighter as you release, surrender and let go of control and the need to know. Do between 3-6 breaths or as long as you need.

Today's Message:

The Angelic energy is coming in strong today. Archangel Raphael is sending blessings and inviting us to utilize the power and healing of the emerald ray. So as you sit and read this, visualize the Emerald Ray within and all around you.

The Message from the angels today is to Surrender! Completely let go of all forms of control and the need to know how everything will UNFOLD. This is on a personal and global level.

Surrender and Let the emerald ray soothe, heal and wash away your concerns and worries. These thoughts do not serve you and the collective energies.

Surrender the repetitive stories that are birthed from fear, judgement and pain. Release them to a higher power. We are all being called to Surrender & Trust in the higher plan that is being orchestrated. When we surrender, we create the space to live a life that is far greater than what our limited conditioned mind could think is possible. This is why Higher Self embodiment is a gateway to infinite possibilities.

Humanity is being called to surrender, trust and create from the heart space. This is an embodied way of living. Where every individual is consciously aware that their choices contribute to the changes they want to see in the world.

If we all make a conscious effort to surrender and hold higher thoughts in every moment, we will shift in a UNIFIED way rapidly.

So today the angels are inviting you to choose higher and surrender the need-to-know's in all areas of your life. TRUST and live as the best version of you in every moment. When we do this, we experience miraculous outcomes and create the space for others to learn and experience higher levels of consciousness.

We can all be the change we wish to see in this world.

If we want to see more love, be that.

If we want to see more justice, let go of separation.

If we want to see more harmonious relationships, be kind and compassionate to all.

Today's Affirmations:

Repeat the affirmation in the image below 8X.

Infinity codes activate through this affirmation. Please visualize what is instructed in the image with each line. Feel it working for you and ENJOY!

Thank you to all who did this practice. You’re helping raise the vibration of the collective.

May our thoughts, words and actions contribute to the greater good of all.

