shadow work

Shift In Vibration

The last couple of months have taken us into the deepest places of self.

We have explored the wounds, karma, triggers and dark spaces that needed love, nourishment and radiance shined upon them. Gifting us the opportunity to recognize what is out of alignment.

The cleansing and releasing of self-sabotaging patterns and illusions was massive in the collective and continues exponentially!

You could say the theme over the last couple of months was EVOLVE or REPEAT.

These lessons, epiphanies and expanded heightened awareness has provided new insights and perspectives. Encouraging ALL Beings to refine their discerning skills and create new foundations rooted in LOVE.

As we continue to increase our vibration, forgive, let go and align with the higher good of all, we enter new levels of Self-Worth, Self-Love and abundance.

This new level allows us to gain greater clarity on what is & is not working in our relationships, jobs, habits, patterns and lifestyle decisions.

The inner-work and light body upgrades are up-leveling our energy and our outer world is beginning to reflect that. We can no longer settle into realities that don’t Align with our Soul’s purpose.

You may be feeling the calling to shift your life, make big changes and embrace the UNKNOWN. This is amplified right now. Spirit is nudging you to take a leap in faith and trust in the great plan. Your Unique Brilliance is ready to be seen!

Let go of the resistance and surrender to the unfoldment. Remember you are Extraordinary!

Your life does not have to be locked into what you perceive as ordinary.

The synchronicities in your outer-world will mirror the changes and progress you are making within. Abundance is being shown in many forms. It is not just financial. It is in love, relationships, creativity, opportunities, and uplifting emotions and qualities.

New lifestyles, New Beginnings, new careers and healthy harmonious connections and relationships are all here for you!

It has always been. Your belief systems, mindsets, language and programs about lack and worth are what stand between you and all that the Universe wants to gift you!

Use the energy of this month to get clear on what you choose and how YOU give and receive in every moment.

The power and ability to receive is dependent on the alignment of our thoughts, words and actions.

Conscious Language

The Language portion around abundance is huge.

The Universe will only gift you as much as you ALLOW!

State this Affirmation out loud as a daily practice!

I am Open to receive infinite streams of abundance always in all ways”

Have you ever been so excited for abundance in love or finance coming in that you have made a statement like, “Oh my gosh I can’t take this I can’t believe it”?

Well the Universe only hears your call and interprets it literally. “I can’t take this” equates to “no more of this”, even if it’s something you really want.

Give thanks and bless everything that comes into your life with conscious language. Make a conscious decision to upgrade your language (words), thoughts and actions. Everything you say is a request to the Universe. Words are spells, that’s why we spell words. Upgrading your language will upgrade your life.

The Beauty of NOW

The Beauty in every NOW moment is a clean slate to create new inner thoughts, rewrite our past, align and affirm with new belief systems.

Nothing is permanent! You can change the way you view yourself and life in every moment.

You are here to grow, evolve and Be the BEST version of yourself. This is Pure Embodiment of your Higher Self!

This metamorphosis does not have to occur with pain and struggle. It is meant to be done with grace and ease. Hence, the beautiful transformative journey of the butterfly.

The Universe wants you to claim your abundance always in ALL ways!

Invite More Stillness Into Your Daily Routine to Up Level Your Reality

Create stillness in your daily lifestyle to tune into the Higher aspect of Self. Stillness is your biggest support system.

Allow yourself time every day to cultivate stillness and listen to the inner messages that are coming through. The importance of listening, trusting and taking action on this inner-voice is the game changer beloveds!

In stillness, we create space to shift stagnant energy and open up to infinite possibilities.

The body is a divine wisdom keeper. When you practice refining your intuitive skills, you will see you have all the answers within. This innate ability will allow you to discern and guide yourself on this path, aligning you with a vision that is for your highest good.

Take time to deepen your relationship with your Divine self and see the worth and beauty of ALL that you are!

Give yourself permission to receive and open up all channels of abundance!

This energy is meant to expand your heart and birth new realities rooted in LOVE!

Remember how we landscape our inner-worlds will be a direct reflection of our outer-world!

Choose to generate magnificence and heavenly Bliss.

We are all here to experience ALL forms of abundance.

We are making BIG Changes & Taking Quantum LEAPS my friends

Tips for Navigating Intense Energy

It is common during these energetic shifts to experience highs and lows in energy.

Allow yourself the downtime needed. Do not push yourself.

If you do not listen and follow the need to rest you may feel yourself depleted, injured or sick.

The mind, body and soul are all coming into alignment. Allow yourself the space to integrate. There is a tremendous amount of cellular regeneration taking place.

Moving your body and investing time in nature is a great way to reset your energy.

• Dance

• Yoga

• Run

• Tai-Chi & Qi Gong

• Hiking

• Nature walks

Wake Up Calls

Waking up at 3am with increased energy and elevated senses.

Often, during energetic changes we experience different patterns in our sleep cycles.

The veil is very thin to the spirit world from 2-4am. I consider these as “WAKE UP CALLS”.

A statement I use upon waking is:

I am open to receive divine guidance at this time only if it is for my highest good.”

This only allows me to work with energies that are here to assist me, not disturb me.

There are various reasons for these “wake up calls”.

Sometimes, it is inspired messages and other times it is our physical bodies working with spirit to show us when and where our thoughts and actions are out of alignment. Allow yourself to be open to explore.

If this becomes too frequent and you find yourself depleted and overwhelmed by sleep interruptions try using the statements below before bed. Remember, this is your experience and you have the ability to filter out anything that does not serve you.

• “I am open to receive healing guidance as I sleep deeply that will assist me in my waking state.“

• “I ask for a deep, restful, rejuvenating sleep that heals all that is not in alignment.”

• “I ask for soulful inspirations and divine messages to be revealed to me in dream-time.”

• “I give permission for my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to harmonize during an uninterrupted, restorative sleep.”

Dietary & Appetite Changes

Honor your body’s needs.

As your vibration shifts so will your appetite. Do not get fixated on this.

Typically, I recommend an alkaline, high vibrational, plant-based diet, but as our DNA is upgraded the nutrients and cravings will vary. So will the need to increase the amount of water you are intaking.

I recommend that you Tune into your body consciousness as a new food group or craving presents itself.

Take a moment before preparing or making a food choice and discern if this is serving me at my highest level.

We want to ensure our choices and cravings are not emotionally based. We are refueling a new genetic template and are being asked to choose consciously what is optimal for this regeneration.

When inquiring and discerning check in and notice how your body feels.

If you feel expansiveness take that as a YES. Any form of contraction is a NO.

A morning affirmation that may help is...

I honor my body’s needs and choose food that supports optimal health, wellness and Immunity now and continuously”

There may be times throughout the month that your body is asking for more sugar, dark chocolate, and an increase in carbohydrates, protein...etc. Allow yourself to have it.

We are releasing judgements in all areas of our life and food is another level.

Allow your body to find a healthy balance in what supports your optimal health, wellness and transformative process. This is unique for everyone!

Much Love & Many Blessings,

~ Nicole Mantilla