heart coherence

Activate Your DNA Unlock Your Hidden Potential

In my experience, success with a higher-Self-embodied-lifestyle occurs when we are consistently aligning our mind, body and soul.

When all three are on board, we open ourselves to magical transformations.

The Human body has been waiting for you to accept its invitation to play it as a Divine instrument and optimize its potential.

Part of our experience here on Earth is to remember we are Spirit; Gods essence residing in a human body. So easily we forget that, fall asleep and get caught up in the mundane world.

So pause for a moment and consider that you are the Essence of God in human form.

Yes, a miracle and capable of anything you set your mind to.

Now there is a concept, “anything you set your mind to”. In order to take aligned action with our physical vessel we have to be in alignment with our mind and now let’s take it to another level add the heart & soul. So now the body is following the authoritative direction of your heart /soul and mind connection.

This Heart and mind connection is the rich soil that provides emotional, mental, physical and spiritual nourishing support to your being. When in Coherence, it creates a beautiful inner-landscape for your body to accomplish its functions gracefully. There is not excessive stress placed upon the body in order to maintain homeostasis. It’s flowing ease.

Why? Because your mind is in Coherence with your heart. This generates positive thoughts, which releases hormones that are good for the body. The momentum builds, contributing to an increase in energy, uplifting moods and emotions that will support you in making choices that are for your highest good.

So how do we get there & how do we get in a state where we are living in Heart-Mind Coherence?

We start by Believing in ourselves, letting go of the self-doubt, attachments, self-sabotaging tendencies and negative-self talk. We take a deeper look and begin to evaluate our lifestyle, relationships, food choices, habits, routines, environment, self-love practices, etc...

As we evaluate and make adjustments, we begin to see what is not in resonance with us.

This has to do with our energetic signatures and vibrational frequencies.

Everything that surrounds us holds energetic codes that affect our vibration and can alter our genetic material in a positive or negative way. The Electromagnetic fields around our cells and all beings we interact with are constantly exchanging and broadcasting information. This information can either activate & expand your growth or confine you in perpetual limited loop of destructive habits.

The choices you make, the food you eat, music you listen to, books your read, social media, movies, drugs, alcohol, living environment...etc. All can contribute to an elevation or a decline in vibration which has a direct effect on your overall health and wealth.

How do we break the cycle and receive higher frequencies and vibrations?

We program our cells, food, water and our homes to support a highly vibrational environment where everything that we ingest, everything we choose to participate in is Consciously Blessed and chosen with the intention it is for our highest good.

This does not mean that you will never deal with difficult people or situations. It just means that your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies become more effective at acclimating and adapting. This allows you to maintain a more centered state regardless of your surroundings.

DNA is programable. In fact, studies show that we are only utilizing 3 percent of our DNA. 97 percent of that is not being activated. It is dormant.

Our cells and bodies have been waiting for us to realize its magnificence and potential through communication with our cellular network.

Inside your DNA resides libraries of information and wisdom. When they say all the answers are within, they truly are!! I am not just speaking of your innate intuition. I am talking about the wisdom, memories and knowledge encoded in your genetic material.

DNA is multidimensional. It holds information from our ancestors, access to higher aspects, sacred lands...etc. When we activate this DNA, we unlock the hidden potentials.

Imagine, remembering your gifts that you have accumulated from multiple lifetimes on all planes of existence here right NOW!

The possibilities would be endless. This is available to you. You can create an internal vibration that is highly conducive for your DNA to turn on.

Start by implementing practices that align the Mind, Body & Soul, communicating with your cells, affirmations, breathwork, conscious uplifting language, meditation, sound & light language therapy.

Make it a Conscious effort to ingest and bless high Quality water, superfoods, minerals, herbs...etc.

This life is a beautiful gift, especially when we remember the super technology that we are embodying.

Now let’s use it to its optimal potential and see what happens!!

Blessing & Love

Nicole Mantilla