Energy Report

Energy Report

We are entering a cycle of Self-Empowerment and Self- LOVE. The new frequencies of Gaia are clearing out any disharmonic low density thoughts, behavioral patterns, circumstances, diet and lifestyles that are no longer serving us.  This can be unsettling for some of you, as things may change abruptly with a lack of understanding. Please trust and know that you are supported and all is well. Remember the body is highly adaptable and pure genius.  As you begin to function at a higher frequency your cells uptake information and process alternate pathways and regulatory functions.  This allows your body to rewrite genetic material, upgrade energetic systems, and integrate higher dimensional aspects of self on the earth plane.

 We are being shown what needs to be healed thru an array of physical, emotional and mental symptoms.  Are you listening? The body is eliciting a response in efforts to regenerate harmony, balance, and alignment. This is an opportunity to dive deeper into self and discover what your body is communicating to you. The body has miraculous abilities and provides energetic and genetic roadmaps that store infinite data within your human genome that is disbursed thru out various locations.  This allows us to track where stagnation is located and explore the emotional, mental, genetic and ancestral connection to aches, pains and other forms of illness. 

At this time many are healing the misuse of Power.  It may be manifesting in your reality as stories of rejection, judgement, abandonment, and disempowerment amongst our brothers and sisters.   These stories have created insecurities, doubts, shame, fear, anger, self-worth issues that have impacted our genetic makeup.  This wiring and programming is deeply ancestral and passed down generation to generation. It has created barriers, restrictions and limits on Human Potential.  It is time to release, purify and step into our power.  Lets encourage and empower others and promote change on this planet.

Remember all of you have a Divine Purpose, and every Soul is created Equally.  We Embody everything and we are all capable of removing the distractions and habitual processes that are no longer serving. 


Much Love & Many Blessings



The Power of Truth facilitates an opening within the heart that grants access to a higher vibration, a shift in frequency.

Through the power and expansion of the Sacred Heart we are able to access Forgiveness, Compassion and Unconditional love. Allowing, us to see past all illusions, and experience higher states of consciousness and bliss.

 In contrast, choosing to withhold Truth makes it challenging to grow and expand our hearts. This may make it difficult to move forward in all aspects of your life. 

The capability of healing on a deep level diminishes when we do not Honor and acknowledge are feelings, truths,purpose, thoughts, patterns, emotions and mistakes. 

Low density thought patterns consume and take up energetic space within your Being, causing Dissonance.

These disharmonic frequencies cause vibrational disturbances that begin to manifest as physical symptoms.

Generating illness, stress, anxiety, sleep disturbances, aches and pains. The list goes on!

Our biological System is extremely intelligent and adaptable.  The internal barometers within send signals when we are out of alignment, in effort to maintain homeostasis.   

The emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies are all connected to one another so it is very important to balance these aspects of SELF.

Similarly, to computer systems we should perform routine scans, delete old programs, create space and upgrade new software to maintain optimal system integrity and function. Sound healing is one way to accomplish these tasks on your energetic system. 

The delivery of specific frequencies thru Sound allows the wavelengths of light to penetrate the cells, organs and tissues.

This generates a shift in cellular vibration promoting deep healing and oscillation, which ignites the flame that continuously blazes the fire of transmutation.

Allowing, cells to clear and release energetic stagnation.  All those low vibe thoughts you have been repressing and holding onto to may come to the surface to say HELLO!

At this point it becomes your choice.  Are you willing to honor what comes up and fully commit to doing this work? We are not talking about a fast pseudo house cleaning that shoves crap in the closet and under the bed.  This is a thorough removal of all the dust bunnies, particles and clutter that is no longer serving you.  

Maybe you even Break down the walls and start rebuilding a solid foundation. Remember this physical vehicle is your souls home.  This is an opportunity to make home improvements, so that life can be more enjoyable. 

Please be aware that this process can go as fast as you allow it.  You have the power to slow it down if the physical manifestations get to uncomfortable.

Please Listen to your body and be kind to yourself. Rest, Rest ,Rest! I have listed below some of my favorite home remedies, during these energetic shifts.

Much Love and Many Blessings! ~ Nicole Mantilla

Together, we Grow, Inspire, Awaken and RISE IN LOVE.

  • Warm Lemon water to cleanse the body of toxins

  • Fresh Spring Water, add cucumbers and  stay hydrated

  • High vibrational alkaline foods

  • Run a diffuser with Essential Oils (peppermint and lavender my FAV)

  • Meditate with Frankincense

  • Purchase some indoor house Plants (ex. Peace lily, Aloe, Snake Plant)

  • Burn some Palo Santo

  • Warm Epsom or Himalayan Salt baths ( 2 cups of salt)

    Several drops of essential oil lavender

    2 tablespoons of Baking Soda

    ***also if available add Selenite Crystals to Bath***



Authentic expression of thyself is one of the most valuable tools to encourage deep Self-Growth.  It is a practice that accelerates the remembrance of your true divine nature. Those of you who do it know the potency behind it.  The fire of truth, self-empowerment, self-love, connection, harmony, balance, creative euphoric bliss it blazes into your being.  The assistance, benefits and outlet it provides, during challenging, stressful and chaotic times is Infinite.

These practices although easy for some, can be the most terrifying story others tell.  The fear of being seen, vulnerable and judged is enough to shut down and repress your beautiful offerings to the world. Common fear based thoughts may circulate in the mind of, I’m not special, I’m not good enough, I can’t, That’s embarrassing, No one gets me, Will they like it? etc. These are all the layers of doubt and judgement that you have built over something magnificent, and that magnificence is YOU. This is one of the greatest obstacles to conquer.  Remembering, your brilliance, magic, uniqueness and believing in yourself is the magic key to a door of Infinite Possibilities. It is in the power of connectivity to ourselves and others that facilitates great change in the way we function and create as a whole in this world. We were created to inspire, share love and truth with one another thru the genuine expression of self.  Remember, this is your STORY! What do you want it to be? How do you want it to go? Where are, you willing to make changes?  Do you see that it is only YOU, that is in your way? Yes, you and and all the traps, illusions and distractions of the mind

This Year 2017 you are gifted a blank canvas. How will you Design your Heaven on Earth? Remember you are the creator of your destiny. Make your dreams comes true!

Much love and Many Blessings

~ Nicole Mantilla