The frequencies of the new earth are HERE! The light is shining and possibilities are Infinite, as we continue to shift and evolve at a rapid rate. On a grand scale, we have and will continue to anchor the light that bestows the high vibrational force on Gaia. The quotients of light are so high at this time, as well As Angelic and Higher Dimensional Support. All that no longer serves us wants to be seen.   The transmutation that has occurred is massive. Love has truly Won! The frequencies that no longer serve the Earth’s highest planetary function are constantly being cleared. This is your opportunity to ascend and expand your hearts. 

So how does this Dimensional shift affect us?

 As we adjust and align to the earths new frequencies we will be experiencing a wide range of fluctuations in the energetic, physical, emotional and mental bodies.  It is simply a fine-tuning period that we are undergoing, as we simultaneously clear shadow aspects and experience deeper levels of Awareness, Self-Empowerment, Love, Bliss and Truth.  Please be patient and compassionate with yourself and others as we acclimate to the energies. Remember, with all great changes there is discomfort that yields immense growth and expansion. We are ALL learning to dance with these fluctuations in our unique ways.

At this time, it is important to pay attention to “Choice Points” that are being presented. This will continue to occur as multiple time lines are collapsing. These points grant access to gateways, new beginnings, lifestyle changes and Divine Gifts to aid in our life’s purpose. The key to opening these doors and realms of possibilities is to align and embody the frequencies of Divine Love and Truth. This needs to occur with pure intent. This can be extremely challenging for some, as it may require you to move outside your comfort zone. 

These “Choice Points” also provide an opportunity for you to review and evaluate your stories, experiences, patterns, relationships, and energetic connections to all beings.  It’s basically testing what you have learned through these experiences. A way to keep ourselves in check and practice higher levels of awareness. Once you become mindful you will start to see how these patterns and cyclical processes weave in and out of your life with greater clarity. Allowing you the opportunity to expand and release old programs that no longer align with these higher dimensional frequencies.

Now is the time to trust your intuition, follow your heart and let go of any doubts. The energy and power of the Sacred heart will not steer you in the wrong direction.  It will align you with the reality and path that is for the highest good of all. You don’t need to know the How’s and Why’s!  All you need to do is surrender and trust that you are supported and provided for. The choice is yours! Empowerment starts with honoring your truth and Believing in your potential. Recognize the bullshit that no longer serves and LET IT GO! BE the Change, embrace the LION within and step into your FULL POWER!

Much Love and Many Blessings,
